Home > Available Help Files > PC-DMIS Laser > Using the Mesh Commands > Creating a Mesh Operator > Mesh IMPORT Operator
Current Help File: PC-DMIS Laser (View Core Help)
To create a Mesh IMPORT operator:
From the Mesh toolbar
(View | Toolbars | Mesh), click the Mesh Operator button () to
access the Mesh Operator dialog box.
Mesh Operator dialog box - Import operator
From the Operator list, select IMPORT.
From the Feature List box, select the Mesh.
Select the options to use. The Mesh IMPORT operator uses these options:
Alignment: Indicates the type of alignment to include when importing the data.
Type: The option for the IMPORT operator is STL.
Filename: Indicates the name of the import file. Enter the path and file name, or use the Browse button to navigate to it.
Click Create. PC-DMIS inserts the IMPORT command into the Edit window. The command is MESH/OPER,IMPORT. The mesh data imports from the file location defined in the Filename box.
For example: