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Current Help File: PC-DMIS Laser (View Core Help)
The Pointcloud command (COP) allows you to store XYZ coordinate data that can come directly from a laser sensor through one or more referring scan commands. You can also enter data directly into a COP from other PC-DMIS features or external data files.
You can add pointclouds to your measurement routine in these ways:
Select the File | Import
| Pointcloud submenu and select a data file to import (XYZ,
or NSD).
Select the Insert | Pointcloud | Feature menu item to open the Pointcloud dialog box.
Manually type the COP command into the Edit window. Press F9 on the COP command in the Edit window to open the Pointcloud dialog box. For information on the COP command mode text, see "COP Command Mode Text".
From the Pointcloud
toolbar, click the Pointcloud button () to open the
Pointcloud dialog box.
For information on how to manipulate pointclouds from the Pointcloud dialog box, see the "Manipulating Pointclouds" topic.
PC-DMIS uses additional, laser sensor-related commands and tools that support pointcloud functionality. They are:
Your LMS license or portlock must contain a license with either the Small COP (COP) or Big COP option to use COP capability.
About the Small COP (COP) and Big COP Laser Options
The PC-DMIS CAD++ license includes the Small COP (COP) option. It provides limited pointcloud functionality.
The PC-DMIS Laser option (does not include vision probes) includes the Big COP option. This option provides full pointcloud functionality. You can purchase it separately for other configurations.
The following list describes the differences in functionality between the Small COP (COP) and Big COP licensing options:
If Small COP (COP) is enabled, and Big COP is disabled, PC-DMIS limits the pointcloud size to 500,000 points. The pointcloud automatically re-sizes to stay within the limit.
Pointcloud alignment is enabled only when Big COP is enabled.
Meshing is enabled only if both Big COP and Mesh are enabled.
If the Small COP (COP) and Big COP options are disabled, pointcloud functionality is disabled.
Pointcloud Graphical Representation
Laser Data Collection Settings