Home > Available Help Files > Machine Interface Installation Manual (MIIM) > CMM Supported Interfaces > Sheffield Interface > Error Codes > TempComp Error Codes > TempComp-202 Gradient temperature limit exceeded
Current Help File: PC-DMIS MIIM (View Core Help)
The system sent a temperature compensation request but the difference in temperature between a pair or thermistors indicates a temperature gradient that exceeds the configured system limits. Temperature compensation is active, but the system conditions may preclude achieving the desired system accuracy. The message includes the thermistor number or numbers, and the recorded temperature or temperatures that caused the warning.
For more information, see "TempComp Error Codes".
What you should do:
If possible, correct the identified problem.
If the error cannot be explained by the environmental conditions, and if the error continues to occur, you should contact your Giddings & Lewis service representative.