Home > Available Help Files > PC-DMIS Portable > Appendix B: SMX Tracker
Current Help File: PC-DMIS Portable (View Core Help)
To use the SMX laser interface, follow these steps:
If you are using a portlock, connect it to a USB port on your computer. A properly configured LMS license or portlock must be present during PC-DMIS installation.
Execute setup.exe from the PC-DMIS installation media. Follow the on-screen instructions.
If the SMX Laser option is programmed in your LMS license or portlock, PC-DMIS loads and uses the SMX laser interface when you work in Online mode.
If the All interfaces option is programmed in your LMS license or portlock, you may need to manually rename smxlaser.dll to interfac.dll. The smxlaser.dll file is in the PC-DMIS installation directory.
Install the appropriate SMX laser DLL for your system.
Please contact Hexagon Technical Support for any 3rd-party files you may need for your hardware.
Unzip the contents of the Tracker1331.zip file into the PC-DMIS installation directory. In addition to the SMX laser dll, .jar files and a JRE directory and subdirectories are included in the zip file. You must copy these files and directories to the PC-DMIS installation directory.
To test the communication with your tracker, type the following command in the Command Prompt window:
For older trackers, the last number of the IP address is your tracker's serial number.
If there are problems with the communication, you can use the FTP command to access the tracker and test its response. Type the following commands in the Command Prompt window, and press Enter after each command:
login: supervise (doesn’t work with new Faro trackers)
> quote home
> quit
This homes the machine. If this fails, power down the machine, wait 1 minute, and power it back up. If this still fails, and the SMX Insight software is loaded on the machine, you can try to perform a Startup in Insight.
Be aware that once the Tracker has been powered down for a while, it can take up to 30 minutes for a reliable connection to establish.
The Faro SMX Tracker has added capability from the Faro Utilities application that you can access from PC-DMIS.