Home > Available Help Files > PC-DMIS Vision > Creating Alignments
Current Help File: PC-DMIS Vision (View Core Help)
Alignments are required whether you are using the "CAD Selection Method" (CAD View) or the "Target Selection Method" (Live View) for measuring your part. The alignment defines the Part Coordinate System. You must perform an alignment if you wish to do any of the following:
Change the location or orientation of the part on the stage.
Move the measurement routine from one machine to another.
Program the measurement routine offline and then run it online.
Use vision measurement hardware that does not have homing capability.
Use the AutoShutter facility on manual machines.
You should create an alignment each time you create a measurement routine to run in DCC Mode.
There are numerous methods for creating vision alignments; the examples provided in this chapter are intended to give a basic outline for creating alignments. For more information on alignments, see the "Creating and Using Alignments" chapter in the PC-DMIS Core documentation.
There are two types of scenarios in which you can create vision alignments: