Home > Available Help Files > PC-DMIS Vision > Migrate Magnification Variables
Current Help File: PC-DMIS Vision (View Core Help)
Opening a Measurement Routine
When you open a measurement routine that was created in a version earlier than 2022.1 and you are running it on a vision machine or in Offline mode, PC-DMIS reviews all vision features to see if they use variables to specify the magnification. If PC-DMIS finds any, it shows the Migration Report dialog box.
The dialog box has a section that shows all the variables used for magnification and the estimated pixel size.
The dialog box also has a section that shows all the features that use each variable.
Migration Report dialog box
Saving a Measurement Routine
When you save a measurement routine to a version prior to PC-DMIS version 2022.1, PC-DMIS reviews the measurement routine for any instances of pixel size variables. If any are found, PC-DMIS shows a message similar to this:
Pixel size is not supported in version 2021.1. Please ensure all variables used to control pixel size are updated for optical magnification.