Home > Available Help Files > PC-DMIS Vision > Setting Machine Options
Current Help File: PC-DMIS Vision (View Core Help)
Select the Edit | Preferences | Machine Interface Setup menu option to open the Machine Options dialog box. The tabs in this dialog box may vary depending on the type of optical machine you have and whether you’re running in Online or Offline mode. A typical optical machine would allow you to:
Specify the active hardware components you will use with your optical measuring system. This potentially allows you to still use some components of your optical machine if certain hardware components are broken. See "Machine Options: General Tab".
Change your machine's speed and travel limits. See "Machine Options: Motion Tab".
Specify the available lamps on your machine. See "Machine Options: Illumination Tab". This feature is available in Online and Offline modes.
Specify the settings for your wrist device. See "Machine Options: Wrist Tab".
Specify the communications port and settings used to connect your computer to your optical measuring device. See "Machine Options: Motion Controller Communication Tab" and "Machine Options: Illumination Communication Tab".
Store any communications between PC-DMIS Vision and your optical machine for debug purposes. See "Machine Options: Debug Tab".
If you are running PC-DMIS Vision with the CMM-V or HP-C-x sensor on a CMM, then not all of the above pages are available. To access the standard CMM controller setup, select the Setup button on the CMMI section of the General tab.
Many of the functions are on the Probe Utilities dialog box as part of the centralized calibration processes. Calibration is probe specific.