Home > Available Help Files > PC-DMIS Vision > Using AutoTune Execution
Current Help File: PC-DMIS Vision (View Core Help)
You can turn the AutoTune functionality on or off through the AutoTuneDisable entry. For details, see the "AutoTuneDisable" topic in the PC-DMIS Settings Editor documentation.
The AutoTune button places your
computer into AutoTune execution mode.
AutoTune execution mode allows you to conveniently teach illumination, magnification, and image processing parameters of your measurement routine commands for the target optical machine.
You should use this mode when you move your measurement routine from one computer to another or when you are ready to execute an offline-prepared measurement routine in an online environment.
If you are running an offline measurement routine in Online mode for the first time, PC-DMIS Vision automatically enters AutoTune execution. It needs to do this because during offline preparation, PC-DMIS uses simulated lighting that may not match the actual lighting behavior on the target machine.
In summary, you may want to execute your measurement routine using AutoTune execution when you have any of the following conditions:
You move a measurement routine from one machine to another.
You need to run a measurement routine in Online mode that was prepared in Offline mode.
You change hardware components that affect the lighting, such as lamps.
Lighting conditions of the room where you have your optical machine change.
You want to change the magnification setting for a number of features in one operation rather than individually (feature by feature).
You will find that there are slight differences between different hardware systems and, over time, even within the same hardware system. AutoTune execution addresses these issues.