Home > Available Help Files > PC-DMIS Vision > Using Vision Gages
Current Help File: PC-DMIS Vision (View Core Help)
The gage functionality of PC-DMIS Vision provides a simple method to compare actual part geometry to a gage. For example, overlay a gage (whose diameter is set to exactly 1.0 mm) to an actual part hole to compare its size.
Considerable functionality is available with gages. This chapter gives an example of the usage of each type of gage. For detailed information in the available buttons and options, see "Probe Toolbox: Gage tab".
The six gages are:
The selected gage can be centered within the Field of View
(FOV) at any time by pressing Center Gage from the Gage tab of the Probe Toolbox.
For each gage example the HexagonDemoPart.igs demo part is used. See "Importing the Vision Demo Part".