Home > Available Help Files > PC-DMIS Vision > Using the Probe Toolbox in PC-DMIS Vision
Current Help File: PC-DMIS Vision (View Core Help)
The Probe Toolbox is not specific to PC-DMIS Vision but is part of the standard PC-DMIS software. This toolbox presents tabs and information relative to the type of probe currently being used. When a vision probe is active, the Probe Toolbox contains various vision probe parameters used to acquire the data points needed by measurement routines.
Your LMS license or portlock must be programmed with the Vision option and a valid vision Probe Type selected. Also, you must be working with a supported vision probe in order to access the various PC-DMIS Vision related tabs.
The Probe Toolbox works in conjunction with the Auto Feature dialog box to define the parameters PC-DMIS uses to measure Auto features. Functionality, you can perform probe movements, magnification, illumination, focus, and gage measurements independently from Auto feature creation.
The View | Other Windows | Probe Toolbox menu option displays the Probe Toolbox.
The Probe Toolbox contains the optical parameters within these tabs: