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PC-DMIS 2023.1 Object Library
PCDLRN ActiveX DLL : AnalysisWindow Object
AnalysisWindow Object Members
Public Methods


This method repaints the current custom report object.

Public Properties


This represents the read-only PC-DMIS Application.

Read/Write: Returns/Sets show border on the analysis window


This read/write property returns 1 if the AnalysisWindow object is displaying deviation lines. Setting this property to 0 will turn off the display of deviation lines.


Returns a HOBPointInfoList object if it can or Nothing overwise.

Read/Write: Returns/Sets the label offset


This read/write property returns or sets the color setting for the sphere point MAX marker. The range for this value is black indicated as 0(0x0) to white indicated as 16777215 (0xFFFFFF).


This read/write property returns the size of the sphere point marker used to designate the MAX/MIN points. Setting this property to 0 will turn off the sphere point MAX/MIN marker.


This read/write property returns or sets the color setting for the sphere point MIN marker. The range for this value is black indicated as 0(0x0) to white indicated as 16777215 (0xFFFFFF).


This read-only property returns the ReportControl object.


This read/write property returns 1 if the AnalysisWindow object is displaying the dimension title. Setting this property to 0 will turn off the dimension title display.


This read/write property returns 1 if the AnalysisWindow object has a transparent background. Setting this property to 0 means that the background is not transparent.


This read/write property returns 1 if the AnalysisWindow object is displaying the trihedron. Setting this property to 0 will hide the trihedron from displaying.

See Also