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PC-DMIS 2023.1 Object Library
PCDLRN ActiveX DLL > ApplicationObjectEvents Object : OnCommentInputDialogOpen Event
An expression that evaluates to a CommentInputDialog object to determine the dialog box for which this event should wait.
OnCommentInputDialogOpen Event

This event gets launched when a Comment Input dialog box opens.

Visual Basic
Public Event OnCommentInputDialogOpen( _
   ByVal CommentInputDialog As CommentInputDialog _
An expression that evaluates to a CommentInputDialog object to determine the dialog box for which this event should wait.
Important: When one of these events is launched, you must test for the IsReady property. However, the application event handler cannot wait until IsReady, because the handler blocks PC-DMIS. If PC-DMIS is blocked, IsReady never becomes True. The solution is to start a separate worker thread that checks IsReady. This allows the event handler to immediately return, allowing PC-DMIS to work.
See Also