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PC-DMIS 2023.1 Object Library
PCDLRN ActiveX DLL : Application Object
Application Object Members
Public Methods
Set the new langugage
Deletes a key and all its subkeys from the registry
Deletes a value from the registry
Returns the list of available PCDMIS languages IDs or descriptions.
Returns help map for menu id, used by online help
Returns the descriptions of supplied language. The description is in the current PCDMIS language
Gets a boolean from the registry
Gets a double from the registry
Gets a DWORD from the registry
Gets an integer from the registry
Gets an XYZ triple from the registry
Gets the registry root for current PCDMIS version
Gets the settings object for the application
Gets a string from the registry
Gets the Document Folder. The Generic or Version Specific folder is returned according the bVersionSpecific parameter
Gets the System Hidden Folder. The Generic or Version Specific folder is returned according the bVersionSpecific parameter
Gets the Sustem Reporting Folder. The Generic or Version Specific folder is returned according the bVersionSpecific parameter
Gets the User Hidden Folder. The Generic or Version Specific folder is returned according the bVersionSpecific parameter
Gets the User Visible Folder. The Generic or Version Specific folder is returned according the bVersionSpecific parameter
Calls and opens a help file and topic.
The Maximize Subroutine expands the PC-DMIS window to full-screen size.
The Minimize subroutine reduces the PC-DMIS window to the taskbar.
This allows you to create a mirror image copy in the X, Y, or Z axis of a measurement routine.
Mirrors the supplied measurement routine. The szPartProgramPathName, szTargetProgramPathName and szReferencePathName should be full path name. If szTargetProgramPathName is empty the default name is used. if DoNotMirrorCAD is true the CAD is not mirrored

The Post function tells PC-DMIS to import or export Source into Destination. It returns TRUE if the import or export process is successful, FALSE otherwise.

Exactly one of Source and Destination must be a PC-DMIS .prg or .cad file. If it is Source, then PC-DMIS will export based on the name of the Destination file. If the Destination file is a PC-DMIS .prg or .cad file, then PC-DMIS will import based on the name of the Source file.

The Source file must already exist, but the Destination file need not already exist.

The Quit function tells PC-DMIS to close. It always returns TRUE.
Read settings from the file
Queries the registry for a specific key
Queries the registry for a specific value
The Restore subroutine makes the PC-DMIS window open and neither maximized nor minimized.
Brings PC-DMIS to the foreground, making it the active application.


Deprecated. Switch language resource files from current to expected

Waits until the online machine has fully initialized or timeout period has elapsed before returning.

Invokes internal help
Sets a PC-DMIS settings entry to a TRUE or FALSE value.
Sets a PC-DMIS settings entry to a specified Double value.
Sets a PC-DMIS settings entry to a specified long value.
Sets a PC-DMIS settings entry to a specified integer value. Write Integer.
Sets a PC-DMIS settings entry to a specified XYZ value. Write double.

Writes the current PC-DMIS settings entries and their values to the debug.txt file. 

This writes a specified string value to a valid PC-DMIS settings entry. Write String.
Public Properties
Represents the currently active measurement routine.
Read Only: Returns true if current user has administrator privileges
Returns the ApplicationObjectEvents object for use in capturing application events.
Returns the ApplicationSettings object for use in modifying PC-DMIS’s settings.
Read Only: Returns the AutomationSettings Object
Returns the specific build number for the PC-DMIS application.
Returns the build platform (x64 or x86) for the PC-DMIS application.
Returns the application's build type. Generally this is "QA" (a build from the development source code) or "Release" (a build from the release source code).
The text in the title bar of the application.
Read Only: Returns true when computer connected as driving computer
Read Only: Returns true when computer connected as relay computer
Read Only: Returns true if connected to master computer as slave
Read Only: Returns true if connected to slave computer as master
This property gets or sets the current folder in PC-DMIS. The property only sets a folder if all part programs are closed.
Read Only: Returns the current PCDMIS languages ID

This returns a string showing the directory that contains the current user’s setup information.

The directory in which the File Open dialog starts. If you set this property to empty it returns the installation path.

The name of the next available machine for attaching to a measurement routine.

The name of the last chosen probe file used when creating a new measurement routine.

Read/Write: Returns/Sets whether the CMM Error Dialog is enabled
The fully qualified path name of the PC-DMIS executable.
Read Only: Returns the boolean value of the named PC-DMIS setting
Read Only: Returns the double value of the named PC-DMIS setting
Read Only: Returns the DWORD, or unsigned long, value of the named PC-DMIS setting
Read Only: Returns the integer value of the named PC-DMIS setting
Read Only: Returns the string value of the named PC-DMIS setting

The height of the PC-DMIS window in screen pixels.

This returns True when the PC-DMIS application window quits, through the File | Exit menu item, or when someone closes the application window manually with the x button in the top right.
Read Only: Returns the Label Templates object

The left edge of the PC-DMIS window, measured from the left edge of the Windows Desktop.

Read Only: Returns pointer to Lms License object
Read Only: Returns the current LocaleID (LCID) of the application
This property returns the number of PC-DMIS automation objects referenced by the automation application or script.
Returns the read-only Machines collection object.

Returns the major version number of the application.

Returns the minor version number of the application.

The file name of the PC-DMIS executable.

Represents whether or not you are in operator mode. TRUE when in operator mode, FALSE otherwise.

Returns the collection of measurement routines currently active in PC-DMIS as a PartPrograms object.
Returns the directory in which the PC-DMIS executable resides.
Read Only: Returns pointer to PortLock object
Read Only: Returns the application release type
Read Only: Returns the application release type

Indicates that PC-DMIS is in Remote Panel mode. Used by Remote Panel Application (RPA).

Read Only: Returns the Report Templates object

The text on the status bar of the main PC-DMIS window.

The top edge of the PC-DMIS window, measured from the top edge of the Windows Desktop.

This returns True if the PC-DMIS automation engine is shut down when the user exits PC-DMIS, otherwise this returns False.

Read/Write: Controls verbose debugging dialogs

Returns the version string for the application.

TRUE if PC-DMIS is visible, otherwise FALSE.

The width of the PC-DMIS window in screen pixels.

See Also