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PC-DMIS 2023.1 Object Library
PCDLRN ActiveX DLL > EditWindow Object : SetPrintOptions Method
Destination of printed data. Options include Off, File, or Printer
When destination is printer, specifies if printer should print in draft mode or not. Options include On and Off.
When destination is file, specifies file naming and writing parameters. Options include:  Append, New File, Overwrite, and Auto. Auto mode automatically increments a numeric extension for the output file.
SetPrintOptions Method

This function allows you to set Edit window print options.

Visual Basic
Public Sub SetPrintOptions( _
   ByVal Location As PCDPRINTLOC, _
   ByVal Draft As ENUM_PCD_ON_OFF, _
   ByVal Filemode As PCDPRINTFILEMODE, _
   ByVal ExtNum As Long _
PCD___OFFNo destination for printed data.
PCD_FILEDestination for the printed data is a file.
PCD_PRINTERDestination for the printed data is printer.
Destination of printed data. Options include Off, File, or Printer
DMIS_OFFDoes not print in draft form.
DMIS_ONPrints in draft form.
When destination is printer, specifies if printer should print in draft mode or not. Options include On and Off.
PCD_APPENDAppends information to the end of the file.
PCD_AUTOAutomatically increments a numeric extension for the output file name.
PCD_NEWFILESends information to a new file.
PCD_OVERWRITEOverwrites information in the current file.
PCD_PROMPTPrompts the user for a filename.
When destination is file, specifies file naming and writing parameters. Options include:  Append, New File, Overwrite, and Auto. Auto mode automatically increments a numeric extension for the output file.
Return Type
Number to be used for the file extension of the output file.
See Also