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PC-DMIS 2023.1 Object Library
PCDLRN ActiveX DLL > ModalCmd Object : DISTANCE Property
Represents the distance to move for this object.
Property type
Read-write property
Visual Basic
Public Property DISTANCE As Double
Return Type
Read/write Double.

This property is only useful for objects of type PREHIT, CLAMP, RETRACT, CHECK, and CLEARANCE_PLANES. For objects of other types, setting this property does nothing and getting it always returns zero.

For objects of type PREHIT, CLAMP, RETRACT, and CHECK, the Distance property is the distance to move during that operation. For CLEARANCE_PLANES objects, it is the distance from the axes plane to move. For example, if the clearance plane is LEFT, and the Distance is 2.0, the clearance plane will move to the X=2.0 plane.

See Also