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PC-DMIS 2023.1 Object Library
PCDLRN ActiveX DLL : Strategies Object
Strategies Object
This Strategies object contains a collection of the PC-DMIS measurement strategies.

You can access the Strategies object through the strategies property in the Command object.

Object Model
Strategies ObjectApplication ObjectStrategy ObjectStrategy ObjectCommand Object
Private Sub SearchStrategiesForEachCommand_Click()
Dim strategy As PCDLRN.strategy
Dim index As Integer
If cmds Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Set cmd = cmds.Item(FeatureID.Text)
If cmd Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Set strategies = cmd.strategies
If strategies Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
FoundStrategyNumber.Text = CStr(strategies.Count)
CurStrategyName.Text = strategies.CurrentStrategy.Name
CurStrategyInternalIndex.Text = Str(strategies.CurrentStrategy.index)

index = 0
For Each strategy In strategies
    FoundStrategyList.AddItem (strategy.Name + ": Index=" + Str(index) + "; Internal Index=" + Str(strategy.index))
    If strategy.IsDefaultStrategy Then
        DefStrategyName.Text = strategy.Name
        DefStrategyIndex.Text = Str(index)
        DefStrategyInternalIndex.Text = Str(strategy.index)
    End If
    If strategy.Name = CurStrategyName.Text Then
        CurStrategyIndex.Text = Str(index)
    End If
    index = index + 1
End Sub
See Also