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PC-DMIS 2023.1 Object Library
PCDLRN ActiveX DLL : probe Object
probe Object Members
Public Methods

Clears all tips selected for qualification. Use the "Probe.SelectAllTips" function to select all tips. Use the "Tip.Selected" property of the tip object to select or deselect individual tips for probe qualification.

This function returns a string which is the nth component description of the component list box as determined by the Item parameter.
Returns the Item number string in the connection drop down list.

Opens the PC-DMIS Probe Utilities dialog box.

Find closest tip if fixed head
Get probe info if wrist head

Qualifies all of the probe's tips.

Calibrates the probe tips using settings passed in via the QualificationSettings object.
Resets measured tip data for all tips back to theo values

Selects all tips in tip list for qualification.

Public Properties
Represents the highlighted probe component in PC-DMIS’s Probe dialog box.

 Represents the highlighted probe connection in PC-DMIS’s Probe dialog’s connection drop-down list.

Represents the read-only PC-DMIS application. The Application object includes properties and methods that return top-level objects. For example, the ActivePartProgram property returns a PartProgram object.

Returns the number of components in the component list box. There is always at least one, even when it appears that there are no entries. In that case, the one entry is invisible, but it can still be made active.

Returns the number of connections in the connection drop-down list. The contents of this list depend on which component is active.

Returns the full name of the file containing this probe’s information.

Returns the name of the file containing this probe’s information. 

Returns the Probes collection object to which this object belongs.

Returns the path to the file containing this probe’s information.

Read Only: Returns the probe head type. 0:Fixed, 1:Wrist

Returns the Qualify Settings object that can be modified and passed into the Qualify2 method. It supports these parameters:

StartA - Returns the starting A angle of the probe
EndA - Returns the ending A angle of the probe
IncrementA - Returns the increment value for automatically generated A angles between the starting A angle of the probe and the ending A angle of the probe.
StartB - Returns the starting B angle of the probe
EndB - Returns the ending B angle of the probe
IncrementB - Returns the increment value for automatically generated B angles between the starting B angle of the probe and the ending B angle of the probe.

Returns the Tips object associated with this Probe object.

Determines whether or not a wrist map is used.

See Also