Statements and Functions Used in Dialog Functions

Statement or Function Action or Result
DlgControlId Returns the numeric equivalent of Identifier$, the string identifier for a dialog box control.
DlgEnable, DlgEnable() The DlgEnable statement is used to enable or disable a dialog box control. When a control is disabled, it is visible in the dialog box, but is dimmed and not functional. DlgEnable() is used to determine whether or not the control is enabled.
DlgFocus, DlgFocus() The DlgFocus statement is used to set the focus on a dialog box control. (When a dialog box control has the focus, it is highlighted.) DlgFocus() returns the identifier of the control that has the focus.
DlgListBoxArray, DlgListBoxArray() The DlgListBoxArray statement is used to fill a list box or combo box with the elements of an array. It can be used to change the contents of a list box or combo box while the dialog box is displayed. DlgListBoxArray() returns an item in an array and the number of items in the array.
DlgSetPicture The DlgSetPicture statement is used in a dialog function to set the graphic displayed by a picture control.
DlgText, DlgText() The DlgText statement is used to set the text or text label for a dialog box control. TheDlgText() function returns the label of a control.
DlgValue, DlgValue() The DlgValue statement is used to select or clear a dialog box control. Then DlgValue() function returns the setting of a control.
DlgVisible, DlgVisible() The DlgVisible statement is used to hide or show a dialog box control. The DlgVisible() function is used to determine whether a control is visible or hidden.


DlgControlId Function

DlgFocus Statement, DlgFocus() Function

DlgListBoxArray, DlgListBoxArray()


DlgValue, DlgValue()