Filters Tab - Adaptive Circle Scan Strategy

You can use the Filters tab for the Adaptive Circle Scan strategy to set up filters.


You can choose to remove outliers based on the distance from the best fit feature. This allows the removal of anomalies that arise in the measurement process.

PC-DMIS first fits a circle to the data and then determines which points are outliers based on the standard deviation multiple. It then does the following:


This value indicates the filter type for the scan. Some filtering options are specific to certain strategies. Select the filter type:


Type or select the undulations per revolution. The default is 50. This item is hidden if you select None in the Filter list.

Use Gage Scan Filter

To correct the measured scan data by comparing it to similar scan data from a gage, select this check box. For more information, see "Enabling the Gage Scan Filter".