Scan/Hit Path Tab - TTP Free Form Plane Strategy

You can use the Scan/Hit Path tab for the TTP Free Form Plane strategy to:

For example:

Sample Scan/Hit Path tab

Sample Scan Path tab

The following items appear in the points list area:

When you click on any point in the scan path, PC-DMIS highlights the point on the CAD surface.

Example of highlighted point on CAD surface

Example of highlighted point on CAD surface

To perform additional functions, right-click in the points list area. The following options appear:

Additional options

Points List options

Import - To import the scan points and move points from a text file, select this option. When you run the measurement routine, PC-DMIS dynamically reads the path of the scan from a text file. This can help to scan the plane on variants of the part where the shape of the face being scanned is changed between variants.

Following is a sample of a partial text file:
















In this sample:

Export - To export the scan path to a text file, select this option.

Insert Sector End - To insert a sector end between scan points, select this option. As a result, PC-DMIS will create "sectors". Sector end points in the scan path are generated when the path is not continuous due to any reason.

Insert Move - To insert a move point to avoid an obstacle, select this option. Move points in the scan path can help to scan a face as one single plane even if the path is not continuous due to any reason. PC-DMIS opens the Insert Point dialog box.

Insert Point dialog box

Insert Point dialog box

You can position the probe and click Probe Pos to insert a move point at that location.

Remove - To delete one point, highlight it in the points list area, right-click, and then select this option.

Clear - To delete all points, right-click in the points list area and then select this option. When the "Remove all points?" message appears, click OK.

Select in Hit Path - To add a point to the hit path (and highlight the point), right-click on the path, and select Select in Hit Path.

Un-select From Hit Path - To remove the point from the hit path, select this option.