Scan/Hit Path Tab - TTP Plane Circle Strategy

You can use the Scan/HitPath tab for the TTP Plane Circle strategy to:

For example:

Sample Scan/Hit Path tab

Sample Scan/Hit Path tab

The following items appear in the points list area:

When you click on any point in the scan/hit path, PC-DMIS highlights the point on the CAD surface. For example:

Example of highlighted point on CAD surface

Example of highlighted point on CAD surface:
Orange = Scan path point
Blue = Hit path point
Gold = Point that you clicked

To perform additional functions, right-click in the points list area. The following options appear:

Points list options

Points List options

Insert Sector End - To insert a sector end between scan points, select this option. As a result, PC-DMIS will create "sectors". Sector end points in the scan path are generated when the path is not continuous due to any reason.

Insert Move - To insert a move point to avoid an obstacle, select this option. Move points in the scan path can help to avoid any obstruction in the scan path. The Insert Point dialog box appears:

Insert Point dialog box

Insert Point dialog box

You can position the probe and click Probe Pos to insert a move point at that location.

Remove - To delete one point, highlight it in the points list area, right-click, and then select this option.

Select in Hit Path - To add a point to the hit path (and highlight the point), right-click on the path, and select Select in Hit Path.

Un-select From Hit Path - To remove the point from the hit path, select this option.