Setup Tab - Adaptive Plane Circle Scan Strategy

You can use the Setup tab for the Adaptive Plane Circle Scan strategy to supply all known information about a feature's tolerance requirements and surface type, and PC-DMIS does the rest.


If the purpose of the measurement is form tolerance, select this check box. If you select it, PC-DMIS scans the feature based on the Form tolerance value that you enter. The looser the Form tolerance value, the faster the scan. The tighter the Form tolerance, the slower the scan.


Type or select the permissible limit or the limit of variation.

Surface Type

Select Polished, Machined, Ground, or Cast.

Select Center

The option enables you to click on the CAD to indicate the center point. You can select a surface point or a wireframe point. PC-DMIS fills in the Feature properties area in the Auto Feature dialog box (Insert | Feature | Auto | Plane) with the information for the selected point. It also completes the First Diameter box on the Path Definition tab.