Setup Tab - Gage Scan Calibration Strategy

Use the Setup tab for the Gage Scan Calibration strategy to select the gage scan filter compensation type:

Sample Setup tab

Sample Setup tab

For more information about the gage scan filter, see "Enabling the Gage Scan Filter".

Software Compensation

This type of gage scan filter is available for all types of controllers. For this type:

If you select this type, the gage scan filter corrects the measured scan data by comparing it to similar scan data from a gage. This comparison reduces the amplitude of frequencies found in the measured scan data by gage amplitudes of the same frequency. This adjustment eliminates noise characteristics that are intrinsic to the measuring machine and probe. As a result, it provides more accurate measurements of the part.

If necessary, you can use the options on the Advanced tab (similar to the Advanced tab for Adaptive Scanning measurement strategies) to modify the scanning parameters.

Hardware Compensation

This type of gage scan filter is only available for B5 and higher Leitz controllers. It applies to only one probe tip in one probe file. For this type:


After you execute the Gage Scan Calibration strategy by selecting the hardware compensation type, the feature's measured values are set to the same values as its theoretical values. As a result, if you dimension the Gage Scan Calibration feature, the nominal and measured values will be the same.

The Gage Scan Calibration strategy records the gage calibration results to the probe file (for example, MYPROBE.PRB). The strategy appends the results to the results file (for example, MYPROBE.Results).

Following is an example of a .results file:

Gage Calibration   Date=03/03/2015   Time=01:06:59 PM
TIP1          Hardware THEO X   770.039 Y   503.871 Z -  145.345 D   20.000  IN   StdDev:   0.001

Gage scan calibration always appends the results to the results file. If the results file does not exist, the strategy creates it. The strategy updates the results and appends them to the results file each time you execute the strategy.

The results file shows the following:

You can calibrate one tip for one inside diameter and one outside diameter. If you use a different diameter for calibration, the original data is overwritten. The results file displays the history of the gage calibration that was performed until the probe calibration process recreates it.