Set Move Speed

This step adjusts the point-to-point positioning speed of the CMM.

  1. Select Edit | Preferences | Setup to open the Setup Options dialog box.

  2. Select the Part/Machine tab.

  3. In the Machine area, clear the Display absolute speeds check box if its marked.

Part/Machine tab with Display absolute speeds cleared

  1. Click OK to save the change, close the dialog box, and show speeds as percentages.

  2. Select Edit | Preferences | Parameters to open the Parameter Settings dialog box.

  3. From the Motion tab, set Move Speed box to 50. The default settings for the other options are satisfactory for this tutorial.

Motion tab with Move speed to set to 50%

  1. Click OK to close the dialog box and insert a MOVESPEED/50 command into the Edit window after the MODE/DCC command.

This command indicates a percentage of the full machine speed. Based on this command, PC-DMIS moves the CMM at half of its full speed for commands after it.

For more information about the move speed and other motion options, see "Parameter Settings: Motion tab" in the "Setting Your Preferences" chapter of the PC-DMIS Core documentation.