Command Buttons

A command button carries out an action. The command buttons that are common to most dialog boxes in PC-DMIS are listed here:

Apply - This button applies your selections to the dialog box but keeps the dialog box open for further changes.

OK - This button saves, applies the changes, and closes the dialog box. On some dialog boxes, this button inserts commands into the Edit window.

Cancel - This button ignores any changes and closes the dialog box.

Delete - This button removes items (such as created features, dimensions, probe files, alignment information, and so on) from certain list boxes. In the Delete CAD dialog box, the Delete command button deletes selected nominal features. For more information, see "Deleting CAD".

Last - This button selects the last item in the associated list box.

Last Two - This button selects the last two items in the associated list box.

Select All - This button selects all the items in the associated list box.

Defaults - This button updates the default settings of several parameters. When you create a new measurement routine, it reflects any changes that are stored as the default values.

The default values are stored in the JSON file. You can update these parameters through the appropriate dialog box or use the PC-DMIS Settings Editor to edit the setting entry itself. This application is included with your PC-DMIS install set. For more information, see "Modifying Setting Entries".

The Defaults button allows you to store and apply new default values to new measurement routines created later on.

Recall - This button calls back the original factory settings as long as the original values haven't changed through clicking the Defaults button. In that case, PC-DMIS returns the stored values in the JSON file.

For information on how to use the Machine Options dialog box to restore original factory settings by reading them from the controller, see "Setting Up the Machine Interface" in the "Setting Your Preferences" chapter.

Create - This button applies changes made in certain dialog boxes and creates features, dimensions, scans, and so on. It then places the created item into the Edit window and the Graphic Display window.

The Create button won't close the dialog box. To close the dialog box, click the Close button.

Close - This button closes the dialog box. The OK, Apply, or the Create button doesn't automatically close the dialog box with some dialog boxes (where you may want to select further options).

Clear - This command button clears the highlight of any selected item from the list boxes. In some cases, this button completely removes items from certain list boxes (such as the AB positions from the New Angles List box).

In some dialog boxes and tabs, the Clear button clears any values that were entered or changed before either the Apply or the OK button was clicked and restores the "built in" values in PC-DMIS. If you have used the Default button to store default values, then PC-DMIS restores those values.

Undo - This button reverses changes that you made using the Apply button (or the Generate button in DCC scans). Once you click the OK button, you cannot reverse the changes.

Help - This button opens the online Help topic associated with the current dialog box.