
The Help menu provides these menu items:

Index - This item opens the PC-DMIS help file. The help file provides comprehensive information about PC-DMIS commands, dialog boxes, menu items, messages, and so on. To activate the PC-DMIS help file, select this item from the Help menu, or press F1 at any time. The first time you run the Help after installation, it may take several seconds. Thereafter it opens more quickly.

Using Help - This item opens the PC-DMIS help file to the "Using the Help: Introduction" chapter. The topics there provide hints and tips about searching for and locating information in the help.

Offline Help - This item determines whether PC-DMIS shows the offline help whenever you access the Help content. A check mark next to this menu item means PC-DMIS uses the offline help even if you have Internet access. No check mark means PC-DMIS uses the online help. If you don't have Internet access and you don't have the offline help installed, a message appears informing you that you need to either connect to the Internet or install the offline help.

Release Notes - This item shows the readme.pdf that ships with this version of the software. The readme.pdf contains information about this version of PC-DMIS. You can also view the release notes in your web browser from here: Readme.pdf

About - This item opens the About dialog box. This dialog box gives you specific version and license information. It also provides a unique Machine ID for your computer, which may be used in some status and notification messages.