Moving Dialog Boxes

You can use the mouse to move a dialog box or window.

To move a dialog box or window:

  1. Place the mouse pointer over the title bar.

  2. Hold down the left mouse button.

  3. Drag the dialog box or window to the desired position in the Graphic Display window.

  4. Release the mouse button.

PC-DMIS moves the dialog box or window to its new location.

PC-DMIS stores the last position of the various PC-DMIS dialog boxes. When you re-open the dialog box, it opens the dialog box at the last used location, even across multiple monitors.

If you move PC-DMIS to another monitor, PC-DMIS resets the dialog box positions. This means it opens the dialog boxes in their default position on that monitor.

You can dock some dialog boxes and other interface elements inside the rest of the user interface. You may need to undock these items before you move them. For details on how to dock and undock UI elements, see "Docking and Undocking User Interface Elements".