This item applies to the Home page.


From the Home page, these are the available settings. To access the settings, you need to meet these conditions:

General Settings

Current Theme - This changes the look of the application between Dark and Light. You must re-start the application to see the new theme.

Internet Access - These two options let you customize Internet access for the Home page:

Allow Automatic Internet Access (News) - This option enables the top-right news panel.

Allow Manual Internet Access (Links) - This option enables all links to the Internet; these include the links on Home and the measurement routines and movies on Discover.

When disabled, the Home page has no access to items on the Internet.

Folder Explorer

PC-DMIS Routine Locations - In this section, you can click Create New User Folder to create new user-defined folder settings with pathways to folders with pre-defined or custom extensions. You can only make changes in this section if you run PC-DMIS as an administrator.

Label - This option provides a simple label for the folder that appears under the folder in the other views. If you don't type anything here, the software uses the default file or folder name.

Path - This option shows the pathway for the user-defined folder. You can define the pathway when you create it. If you want to change the path, you need to delete the specific user-defined folder setting and recreate it.

Extensions - This box filters the files that PC-DMIS shows in the Home page. You can define this filter when you click Create New User Folder. You can add multiple filters as long as you separate them with commas. For example, you can type or select *.prg to show PC-DMIS measurement routines. You can type *.* to show all the files. If you want to change the extension, and you've already defined a user-defined folder setting, you need to delete the specific user-defined folder setting and recreate it.

- Toggle Folder Visibility - This option changes the visibility state of the user-defined folder. With this option, you can hide folders so they don't appear in This PC.

- Delete This Setting - This button appears next to user-defined folders. When you click it, PC-DMIS removes that user-defined folder from the Settings screen. The actual folder in Windows Explorer remains untouched.

Create New User Folder - This linked text adds a new user-defined folder setting that you can define.