To Remove/Restore a Menu Item

To Remove a Menu Item from the Menu Bar:

  1. Access the Customize dialog box by selecting the View | Toolbars | Customize menu option, and click the Menu tab.

  2. Navigate to the menu item you want to remove on PC-DMIS's actual menu bar (not the tree view menu list in the Menu tab).

  3. Select the desired menu item.

  4. Drag it off of the menu bar area.

  5. Release the mouse button, and the menu item is removed from the menu.

  6. Click OK to accept your changes and close the Customize dialog box.

To Restore a Removed Menu Item:

  1. Access the Customize dialog box by selecting the View | Toolbars | Customize menu option, and click the Menu tab.

  2. Navigate in the Menu tree view list to the menu item you want to restore.

  3. Select the menu item and drag it up onto PC-DMIS's actual menu bar. As you drag the item through the menu structure, a small red arrow  will appear indicating where the item will be added when you release the mouse button.

  4. Release the mouse button to insert the menu item.