Edit Certified Measurement Routines

You can only edit certified measurement routines if you are the creator of the measurement routine or a member of the Protect-User group.

To edit a certified measurement routine, follow these steps:

  1. Suppose you are a member of the Protect-User group and you created a measurement routine that has been certified. PC-DMIS opens the certified measurement routine in Protected Mode.

  2. From the File Operations toolbar, click Edit Certified Routine to open the measurement routine in Edit Mode.

  3. Edit your measurement routine.

If you are a member of the Protect-Programmer group and you open the same measurement routine, PC-DMIS displays a message stating that you are not the creator of the measurement routine and the measurement routine was not submitted to you for certification. But, if a member of the Protect-User group submitted the measurement routine for certification, the Edit Certified Routine opens the measurement routine again in Protected Mode and enables the Recertify, Reject, and Delete icons.

For all other user types, PC-DMIS always opens the certified measurement routine in Protected mode. When in Protected Mode, you can only execute measurement routines. You cannot disable Protected Mode. For information on Protected Mode, see "Effects of Protected Mode" and "Visual Indicators".