Importing a ChorusNT File

The migration path from ChorusNT to PC-DMIS is based on PC-DMIS's ability to import a Chorus DMIS file, converting the original DMIS file into equivalent PC-DMIS commands that make up a PC-DMIS measurement routine file, a file with a .prg filename extension.

PC-DMIS converts most DMIS commands into PC-DMIS commands to maximize the automatic conversion and minimize the manual modifications needed after the automatic import.

To begin the import process of ChorusNT extensions, perform the following steps:

  1. Select File | Import | Chorus DMIS to open the Import dialog box.

  2. From the file type list, select the file type that filters the current folder. If you select Chorus DMIS Files, you can choose to import a .dmi, .dms, or .dmis file.

  3. From the Import dialog box, navigate to the folder that contains the file to import. Then select the file.

  4. Click Import to import the file into the Graphic Display window. PC-DMIS displays the Dmis Import Setup dialog box.

You can use this dialog box to set the following required information during the import phase:

Taking the basic steps in the following topics can help you correctly import and translate your DMIS file into a PC-DMIS measurement routine file.


Step 1: Configure PC-DMIS

Step 2: Create and Calibrate the Probe File inside PC-DMIS

Step 3: Create the PC-DMIS Measurement Routine File and Import the DMIS file

Step 4: End of automatic Import Phase

Step 5: Manual Verification of the PC-DMIS Measurement Routine

Things to Watch for and Some Helpful Tips and Suggestions