Importing an ASCII File

ASCII files are text files that contain measurement routine information output from virtually any third party CMM software. To import these file types into PC-DMIS, select File | Import | ASCII to automatically create a measurement routine.

For this menu item to appear, your LMS license or portlock must be programmed to support the IP Measure module.

PC-DMIS's Generic Parser (GP) is designed to parse the ASCII output from other CMM systems. The ASCII output (file) may contain file header, comments, feature commands, file footer, etc. As long as the info is written line by line in the ASCII file, GP can parse it according to the user-defined rules provided through the Rule Set Wizard. After parsing it, GP translates all the filtered-through info (like feature commands) and imports it into the active measurement routine.

Nine PC-DMIS feature types are supported by GP. The supported features are: POINT, EDGEPOINT, LINE, PLANE, CIRCLE, CYLINDER, SPHERE, SQSLOT (Square Slot) and RDSLOT (Round Slot). See "Step 3: Feature Field Assignment and Mapping" topic.

To import an ASCII file as an inspection plan, follow these steps:

  1. Select File | Import | ASCII File to open the Import dialog box.

  2. From the file type list, select the file type that filters the current folder. If you select ASCII Files, you can choose to import any supported file.

  3. From the Import dialog box, navigate to the folder that contains the file to import. Then select the file.

  4. Click Import to import the file into the Graphic Display window. PC-DMIS displays the Importing dialog box. You can use this dialog box to create new rule sets, add existing rule sets, and start the import process. For more information, see "Using the Importing Dialog Box".

  5. From the list of rule sets in the Importing dialog box, check to see if the needed rule set for your ASCII file is already visible. This rule set defines how to import the chosen ASCII file.

Rule Set Wizard - Step 1: Excluding Data

Rule Set Wizard - Step 2: Defining Delimiters

Rule Set Wizard - Step 3: Feature Type Mapping and Field Assignment

Rule Set Wizard - Step 4: Handling Labels, Conflicts, and Point Offsets

Creating a Rule Set - Previewing the ASCII File

  1. Select the rule set to use for importing the ASCII file.

  2. Once you have your rule set defined and selected, choose how you want to import the ASCII file:

  1. Click Import to Measurement Routine to parse and import the ASCII file. Follow any on-screen instructions.


Using the Importing Dialog Box

Rule Set Wizard - Step 1: Excluding Data

Rule Set Wizard - Step 2: Defining Delimiters

Rule Set Wizard - Step 3: Feature Type Mapping and Field Assignment

Rule Set Wizard - Step 4: Handling Labels, Conflicts, and Point Offsets

Rule Set Wizard - Previewing the ASCII File