Importing an EBM File

The EBM file type is a text file that defines features and dimensions. When you import an EBM file, PC-DMIS creates features and dimensions. PC-DMIS creates the features and dimensions based on their parameters in the EBM file. For those parameters not explicitly defined in the EBM file, PC-DMIS uses previously defined default parameters.

To show the plus and minus dimension tolerance values as they appear in the EBM file, you must select the Minus Tols Show Negative check box. You can find this in the Output options area on the Dimensions tab of the Setup Options dialog box (Edit | Preferences | Setup).

When you import this file type, PC-DMIS performs these error checks:

If the software finds an error, it displays a message with a brief description of each error.

EBM File Import

File Name: D:\EBM_Files\EBM_TestFile_01.ebm

Line 13: Ignored the command REFERENTIELLE (NOM="CAISSE")

LINE 41: Ignored the command PT_GEOM_SUR_ (NOM="9802PR31G_Z121"

LINE 123: Wrong or missing fields in the command CERCLE (NOM="9802PR_XY9")

LINE 137: Wrong or missing fields in the command OBLONG (NOM="9802PR_X6")

Imported 107 features