Importing an XYZ File as CAD Data

An XYZ file is a simple text file with a .xyz extension. It can contain feature information in the form of xyz coordinates with or without a vector. You can use any standard text editor to view the values in an .xyz file.

You can choose to import a .xyz file.

When you click Import, PC-DMIS interprets the data in the .xyz file and imports it into the Graphic Display window as separate CAD entities.

The software creates each feature based on how many comma-separated numbers are on each line. PC-DMIS reads the rows of the .xyz data file and converts the points to the following CAD entity depending on the amount of numbers per row:

Numbers per Row Description CAD Entity Generated


First number = X value

Second number = Y value

Third number = Z value

Point with no vector


First number = X value

Second number = Y value

Third number = Z value

Fourth number = diameter

CAD circle with a workplane based vector


First number = X value

Second number = Y value

Third number = Z value

Fourth number = nothing

Fifth number = nothing

Point with no vector


First number = X value

Second number = Y value

Third number = Z value

Fourth number = I value

Fifth number = J value

Sixth number = K value

Point with a vector


First number = X value

Second number = Y value

Third number = Z value

Fourth number = I value

Fifth number = J value

Sixth number = K value

Seventh number = diameter

Circle with vector


First number = X value

Second number = Y value

Third number = Z value

Fourth number = I value

Fifth number = J value

Sixth number = K value

Seventh number = nothing

Eighth number = nothing

Point with a vector

If your XYZ file contained a line with 25,280,750,25, PC-DMIS would create a circle with the center at x=25, y=280, and z=750 with a diameter of 25.

After you select the file to import, PC-DMIS displays the features constructed from the XYZ file in the XYZ File dialog box.

XYZ File dialog box

Be aware that the order in which the features are created in the .xyz file and the order in which they are generated inside PC-DMIS may not be the same.

After you click OK, if you imported the file into the Graphic Display window, PC-DMIS displays the created CAD elements there. If you imported the file into the measurement routine, the features appear in the Edit window.


Notes on XYZ Files