Point AutoTrigger area

With the Point AutoTrigger area, you can insert POINT AUTOTRIGGER/ commands into the Edit window with a tolerance zone.

The POINT AUTOTRIGGER/ command tells PC-DMIS to automatically take a hit when the probe enters a tolerance zone at a specified distance from the original hit location. For example, if the tolerance zone, the Radius value, is set to 2 mm, a hit is taken when the probe is within 2 mm of the hit location.

You can use this option with manual machines; instead of pressing a button to take a hit, you can place POINT AUTOTRIGGER/ commands at any standard location in the Edit window.


Selecting the On check box activates the point auto trigger command. Commands in the Edit window that follow the inserted POINT AUTOTRIGGER/ command and require you to take a hit will then have the hit automatically taken when the probe enters the defined tolerance zone. The Trigger Radius capability is disabled until you turn the option back on.

If you do not select this check box and you click the Insert Command button, PC-DMIS inserts the command line into the Edit window, but it doesn't activate the command.

Beeping On

Selecting the Beeping On check box activates a beeping sound associated with your POINT AUTOTRIGGER/ command. The closer you get to the target, the more frequently your computer emits beeps.

Trigger Radius

The Trigger Radius box allows you to type a tolerance zone value. When the probe moves into this tolerance zone, it automatically and immediately takes a hit.

Insert Command

Clicking the Insert Command button inserts the POINT AUTOTRIGGER/ command into the Edit window for the current measurement routine. This command line reads:


TOG1: This toggle field corresponds to the On check box. It displays either ON or OFF.

TOG2: This toggle field corresponds to the Beeping On check box. It displays either ON or OFF.

RAD: The radius field contains the value for the tolerance zone, and it corresponds to the Trigger Radius box. This value is the distance from the actual point that PC-DMIS takes the hit.