Reset global settings when branching

(This item pertains to the check boxes on the General tab of the Setup Options dialog box. You can open it through the F5 key or through the Edit | Preferences | Setup menu option.)

If you select the Reset global settings when branching check box, PC-DMIS resets the global values for state commands after encountering a branching statement. See the list of affected commands below. (For information on branching, see the "Branching by Using Flow Control" chapter.) PC-DMIS does not execute any state commands jumped over because of a branching statement. This allows you to skip over sections of the measurement routine without having these settings change.

For example, suppose your measurement routine has the following:


Measurements etc...



If you mark the check box, when PC-DMIS reads the GOTO statement, it jumps to MYLABEL. It then searches up, using the first encountered TIP/ command: TIP/T1A0B0

When returning from subroutines, any global setting modified by the subroutine is not affected by the Reset global settings when branching flag. See "Pass Back Settings from Subroutine" for more information.

If you clear the check box, when PC-DMIS reads the GOTO statement, it jumps to MYLABEL. PC-DMIS does not reset global settings when encountering a branching statement. Instead, it uses the last executed TIP/ command:

PC-DMIS defaults to marking the check box.

Commands Reset After Branching: