Using Probe-Specific Port Clearance Distances

(This item pertains to the Probe Changer dialog box, accessible through Edit | Preferences | Probe Changer.)

While you can use the Probe Changer Port Data dialog box to define a Before drop-off clearance distance for each port in a probe changer, this approach may not provide enough flexibility due to the specific needs of some probe and styli configurations. Sometimes, switching to a new measurement routine may require you to load a different probe configuration into a given port. Your new probe configuration may need a different clearance distance to avoid collisions when entering the port to drop it off or leaving the port after picking it up.

PC-DMIS provides you with the ability to define a clearance distance tied to the probe. This overrides any specified distance in the Probe Changer Port Data dialog box.

To Define a Probe-Specific Port Clearance Distance

  1. Press F9 on the desired LOADPROBE command in your measurement routine to open the Probe Utilities dialog box.

  2. Click the Setup button to open the Probe Setup dialog box.

  1. Define a clearance distance in the Clearance distance for tool changer port when this probe is loaded box. The value uses the same measurement units as the measurement routine that is currently open.

  2. Click OK to close the Probe Setup dialog box.

  3. Click OK to close the Probe Utilities dialog box.

Any clearance distance that you specify in the Probe Setup dialog box overrides the Before drop-off value in the Probe Changer Port Data dialog box regardless of what port takes the probe. If you do not specify a clearance distance in the Probe Setup dialog box, then PC-DMIS uses the value from the Probe Changer Port Data dialog box.

With this approach, your probe changer setup can have values that may be adequate for most probes in general. This provides you with the ability to define probe-specific values for other desired probes.

Additional Notes