Box-Selecting ID(s)

Another way to select features is to use the left mouse button to draw a "box" around the features. This is called "box-selecting". To do this:

  1. Place the mouse pointer at one corner of where the box is to be drawn, and hold down the left mouse button.

  2. Drag the mouse pointer to the opposite corner of the "box". PC-DMIS draws the box outline on the screen as you drag the mouse.

  3. When the "box" is satisfactory, release the left mouse button. PC-DMIS highlights all the elements in the box, and lists them in the feature list box.

Box-Selecting CIR1 and CIR2

This option also allows you to modify the contents of the box as indicated in the list. To either add or delete a feature from the set, click on the feature to be changed (either in the Graphic Display window, or the dialog box's list of features).


Overview of Box-Selecting Sheet Metal Feature IDs