The Question Mark (?) Meta Character

? - The question mark meta-character (?) acts in the same way as the asterisk (*), except that the question mark meta-character matches only 1 alphanumeric character. For example, suppose in your list of features, you have the following:

Question mark (?) meta-character

For example, if you want to select all the circle features (CIR1 and CIR2) using the question mark (?) meta-character, in the Search ID box, type CIR? and press the Tab key. PC-DMIS looks for all features that meet the search criteria, which in this case, is a feature with an ID 4 characters long with the first 3 characters being "CIR".

To use the question mark (?) meta-character:

  1. Place your cursor in the Search ID box.

  2. Type search criteria using the question mark (?).

  3. Press Tab.

PC-DMIS selects the features that meet the search criteria.

You can use the question mark (?) meta-character multiple times in any one search. You can also use it with the asterisk (*) meta-character.