Viewing Clearance Planes

You can display the active clearance plane as a translucent image in the Graphic Display window. To do this, from the Graphic Items toolbar, select the Toggle Clearance Plane Items icon .

By default, the active clearance planes are displayed as white translucent planes; while all non-active clearance planes are displayed as white polylines.

Sample Clearance Plane Displayed as a Translucent Image

PC-DMIS displays up to one clearance plane along each axis, for a maximum of three clearance planes at a time (one along Z, one along Y, and one along X). If you have more than one clearance plane defined along the same axis and it isn't the currently displayed clearance plane, it displays the most recently displayed clearance plane used on that axis.

Sample Active and Non-Active Clearance Planes

You can further control the display of both the active and non-active clearance planes by modifying these entries in the OpenGLSettingsClearancePlanes section in the PC-DMIS Settings Editor:

You can find details on these settings in your PC-DMIS Settings Editor documentation. For information on how to use the Settings Editor, see "Modifying Setting Entries".