Check Distance


This command determines the distance in inches or millimeters (depending on the system of measurement that was initially set up for the particular measurement routine) past the theoretical hit location that the machine will continue to search for the surface of the part until it determines the surface is not there.

This represents the check distance

This represents the percentage of the total check distance that PC-DMIS moves when performing a Find Hole operation. The default value is 1 which means 100% of the check distance. Thus .1=10%, .2=20%, .3=30% etc. This only functions with Find Hole operations.

If you enter .3 inches as the check distance, PC-DMIS moves 0.3 inches past the theoretical surface, searching for a surface on which to take the hit.

For additional information, see the example in the "Check Distance" topic in the "Setting your Preferences" chapter.