Dimension Format

Only if you mark a dimension for printing does the data appear on the inspection report. The FORMAT command allows you to create more than one dimensional format within a measurement routine. This allows you to show or hide the information stored in any dimension that follows the FORMAT command.

For example, for some dimensions, you may not want the nominals printed, such as with certain types of zone tolerances that always have a nominal of zero. In these cases, you can hide the NOM field. Later in the measurement routine you might want to display the nominals for a different type of dimension, such as Location or Position. The FORMAT command lets you control these manipulations.

The default FORMAT command prints out all of the columns and column headings. It also creates the statistics XSTATS11.TMP file.

For details on the locations of PC-DMIS files, see "Understanding File Locations".

You can also press F8 or F7 to toggle the field values.

Command line in the Edit window:

TEXT = This field controls whether or not additional text appears in the dimension's command block.

HEADINGS = This field controls whether the dimensions that follow the FORMAT command will have column headings above the numbers.

OPTIONS = This field controls whether or not option fields are displayed. These options include the following:

GRAPH = This shows or hides graphical analysis of the dimension.

TEXT = This shows or hides textual analysis of the dimension

MULT = This sets the multiplier for deviation arrows and tolerance zone used in the Graphic Display window. This is only used if GRAPH = YES.

OUTPUT = This determines where to send dimensional output. Options are statistics, report, both statistics and report, or none.

ID = This shows or hides the dimension's ID in the header.

SYMBOL = This field controls whether the deviation symbols will be printed. This field can be toggled on or off. A blank field indicates that this command is off.

SD = This shows or hides the dimension's standard deviation value.

NOM,TOL,MEAS,MAXMIN,DEV,OUTTOL,DEVANG = These fields appear after the semi-colon character (;). They control which columns get printed for dimensions following the FORMAT command. You can toggle any combination of these columns on or off. They can also be displayed in any order. Simply type the desired command in the order needed. (The order is displayed numerically in the Parameters Dimension dialog box.)

For more information consult the "Using Legacy Dimensions" chapter.