Executing a Measurement Routine with FBM

Mini routines facilitate the execution of a measurement routine with Feature Based Measurement (FBM). For complete information about mini routines, see "Mini Routines".

To execute a partial mini routine with FBM, follow these steps:

  1. Create the mini routine with the required dimensions. For help, see "Mini Routines".

  2. From the Mode list in the Mini Routines dialog box, select FBM.

  3. Click the Show Marked button to mark the features and dimensions that you want to measure. PC-DMIS marks the features and dimensions in the Edit window.

  4. Click the Execute button to start the measurement.

PC-DMIS executes a measurement routine with FBM as follows:

  1. PC-DMIS marks the complete measurement routine.

  2. PC-DMIS unmarks all features and dimensions.

  3. PC-DMIS marks all of the selected dimensions with the Parent mode dependency. This marks all of the required dimensions and features. It also marks all features on which they are dependent.

  4. PC-DMIS marks all of the groups that have the execution control set to ALL ALWAYS.

  5. When PC-DMIS executes a measurement routine that has groups that have the execution control set to FBM CHECK, PC-DMIS determines if any features or dimensions in the group need to be measured.

  1. For groups for which the execution control is set to AS MARKED, PC-DMIS completely executes the group according to the normal marking rule.

Important Notes

This functionality is provided for certain industries that may want to quickly re-measure certain dimensions after they measure the complete part without moving the part from its fixture.

For example, suppose you have GROUP A and GROUP B. GROUP B is nested inside GROUP A. If execution control is set to FBM CHECK for both GROUP commands, but only GROUP B has features or a marked dimension, GROUP A also executes its marked commands.