
This option is similar to Operator in that it allows you to display text when you execute a measurement routine. In addition to displaying a message, a comment box appears so the operator can type information that is then written to the inspection report.

Type the command COMMENT/INPUT in the desired location of the Edit window. Type in the desired text. The input from the operator is assigned to the Comment ID and is accessible via an expression reference (such as C1.INPUT for example).

You can also access this option by selecting Insert | Report Command | Comment from the menu bar to open the Comment dialog box. Then select Report.

Pressing the F9 key while the cursor is in a COMMENT/INPUT command line displays display the Comments dialog box, allowing you to alter the displayed message.

Command line in the Edit window:

comment ID=COMMENT/INPUT,NO,Full Screen=NO,
            comment text

For more information on comments, see the "Inserting Programmer Comments" topic in the "Inserting Report Commands" chapter.