Step 8 - Take the First Manual Probe Hit

For the ACR3 Probe Changer, this is the first of two hits that you need to take to locate the probe changer. You will take the first hit in the XY plane inside the back of port 1 (just above the metal key). The prompt for the first manual probe hit is:

PC-DMIS Message

Please take a hit in the back of the circle for port 1.

The hit should be taken in the middle just above the metal key.

Prompt for the first manual probe hit

  1. When you are ready to take the first measurement, click OK.

  2. Use your machine's jog box to measure the first probe hit inside the back of port 1, as shown below.

View of the first probe hit inside the back of port 1

In the next step, you take the second manual probe hit.