Recalibrating a Single Port

To recalibrate a single port, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Single port calibration option on the Calibrate tab in the Probe Changer dialog box (Edit | Preferences | Probe Changer). (If you did not complete a full calibration, the option is not available.)

  1. When you select the Single port calibration option, the Probe changer port list becomes available. Select the port that you want to calibrate. For example:

Probe Changer dialog box - Calibrate tab

  1. To begin the calibration, click Calibrate. A message prompts you to take a hit on the top left surface of the port that you selected:


The port has been previously calibrated.
If it has been moved since the last calibration
you must take a manual hit to locate it.
If it hasn't been moved you may be able to recalibrate
it in DCC mode without taking a manual hit.

Has the port been moved since the last calibration?

  1. Click No. The following message appears:

PC-DMIS Message

If port 2 has a lid, open it.
Remove any probe from that port.

After clicking OK, DCC motion will begin
for the rest of the measurement.

  1. Open the lid. To open the lid, push it all the way back.

  2. With the lid open, remove the module or styli by sliding it forward and out of the port.

  3. Empty the port of its probe.

  4. Click OK. The system goes into DCC mode and measures the hit.