Step 5 - Take the First Manual Hit

When you start the calibration procedure for the LSPX3 / HR-X (HR-X3-P) probe changer, PC-DMIS shows you a sequence of message boxes which step you through a series of manual hits. The first two hits are required to fully define the orientation of the probe changer in the machine’s XY plane. You do not need to align the probe changer to any single axis, as the manual hits identify any rotation involved. Follow the prompts and take the needed hits as shown in the pictures for each hit.

You take the first hit on top of the clamp for port 1, using the overhang of the collet near the probe pin. The prompt for the first hit on port 1 is:

PC-DMIS Message

Please take a hit on top of the clamp for port 1 using the overhang of the collet near the probe pin.

Prompt for the first manual hit on port 1

You must take a point on the top of the first port, using the overhang of the collet. The image below shows the overhang of the collet:

Location of first hit for port 1 on overhang of collet

  1. When you are ready to take the first measurement, click OK.

  2. Use your machine's jog box to take the first manual hit as instructed by PC-DMIS.

In the next step, you take the second manual hit.