Step 4 - Take the First Manual Hit

PC-DMIS moves you through the process of measuring three manual hits through a series of message boxes. Three hits are required to fully define the orientation of this rack in the machine’s XY plane. It is not necessary to align the rack to any single axis, as the manual hits identify any rotation involved. Follow the prompts and take the needed hits as shown in the pictures for each hit.

The first manual hit is taken in the XY plane, on the vertical face in front of the rack between port 1 and port 2.

The prompt for the first hit on the front face is:

PC-DMIS Message

Open all lids and remove any probe from port 1.

When ready, please take a hit in the center of the vertical face between ports 1 and 2.

Use your machine's jog box to measure the first hit on the front face between port 1 and port 2.


In the next step, you take the second manual hit.