Step 10 - Measure Extensions

After you measure the AutoJoint, you are asked to measure any defined extensions.

PC-DMIS Message

Please attach only the extension to be used in port 2.

When you click OK if you have a wrist it may rotate (if needed) to allow for any rotation of the bottom joint.

When prompted then take 1 hit on the bottom of the kinematic joint with the probe changer datum sphere.

Be careful to avoid the small pins and holes and take the hit on a flat area.

After you complete this point the kinematic joint pin will be measured in DCC.

Prompt for measuring any defined extensions

  1. Attach the extension and take a hit on the bottom of the extension as directed.

  2. After the manual hit, lift the wrist clear of the datum sphere.

WARNING: When you do this, the machine moves. To avoid injury, stay clear of the machine. To avoid hardware damage, run the machine at a slower speed.

The system then goes into DCC mode and proceeds to measure the sphere with the pin that is protruding from the bottom of the extension.

Use your machine's jog box to take a manual hit on the top of the datum sphere using the empty extension

  1. After the HD extension has been measured, you are asked to measure each TKJ extension by individually attaching them to the HD extension and measuring the joint at the bottom.

After you measure the TKJ extensions, if you have additional HD extensions, you will be asked to repeat the sequence of attaching and measuring just the HD extension followed by attaching and measuring each TKJ extension.

PC-DMIS Message

Please attach the HD extension to be used in port 2 and the extension to be used in port 4.

When you click OK if you have a wrist it may rotate (if needed) to allow for any rotation of the bottom joint.

When prompted then take 1 hit on the bottom of the kinematic joint with the probe changer datum sphere.

Be careful to avoid the small pins and holes and take the hit on a flat area.

After you complete this point the kinematic joint pin will be measured in DCC.

Prompt for measuring any remaining extensions

Use your machine's jog box to take a manual hit on the top of the datum sphere using the empty extension

In the next step, you review the calibration results.