Box / Circular List

This list is only available for the High Point feature.

The Box / Circular list allows you to define the search mode that PC-DMIS will use to return the highest point. You can choose Box mode or a Circular mode.

Box Mode

Selecting Box defines a rectangular search region for the High Point feature. The rectangle is defined by the Width and Length values. PC-DMIS will report the highest point within that area.

Circular Mode

If you select Circular, the Width and Length boxes change to Outer Rad and Inner Rad boxes. The search region for the High Point feature becomes a circular search band specified by the Outer Rad and Inner Rad values.

For the Auto Laser High Point feature, PC-DMIS does not display the Outer Rad and Inner Rad boxes since they are not needed.

The highest point along the circumference will be reported.

No matter which mode you select, the start point should lie within the defined search region. For the special cases of line searching, the start point will automatically be adjusted to be on the line.